<!-- #include virtual="/include/doppelme.asp"-->
'//these values have been read from your database on login
USER_ID = Session("UserID") '//your user's id
DOPPELME_KEY = Session("DoppelMeKey") '//your user's doppelme avatar key
if len(DOPPELME_KEY) = 0 then
'//user doesnt have an avatar - ask if they want to create one...
Response.Redirect "/profile_avatar_create.asp"
end if
'//retrieve the ValidationKey details for this user's avatar (we need this to be able to edit their avatar)
sURL = "GetDetailsFromPartnerUserID"
sDATA = "partner_id=" & DM_PARTNER_ID & "&partner_key=" & DM_PARTNER_KEY & "&partner_user_id=" & USER_ID & "&is_test=false"
sReturnXML = PartnerServiceCall(sURL, sDATA)
if len(sReturnXML) = 0 then
'//no avatar found for these details - have you supplied the correct keys?
end if
set xmlDoc = CreateObject("MSXML.DOMDocument")
xmlDoc.async = false
set xmlRoot = xmlDoc.documentElement
sVALIDATION_KEY = xmlRoot.selectSingleNode("ValidationKey").Text
<div style="height: 450px;margin: 0 auto;">
<iframe src="<%=DOPPELME_SITE%>/partner/partner_validate.asp?stripped=yes&pid=<%=DM_PARTNER_ID%>&puid=<%=USER_ID%>&validkey=<%=sVALIDATION_KEY%>&doppelmekey=<%=sDOPPELME_KEY%>&callback=<%=Server.UrlEncode("http://mysite.com/profile_avatar_updated.asp")%>"
style="position:absolute;overflow:hidden;width:660px;height:450px;border: 0;border-collapse: collapse;margin: 0 auto;" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" vspace="5" hspace = "0"></iframe>