<?php session_start(); ?>
<?php include("doppelme.php"); ?>
//these values have been read from your database on login
$sCALLBACK_URL = urlencode("http://localhost/profile_avatar_updated.php");
//hard-coded here for testing - note casting to string to avoid bug in SimpleXML;
$_SESSION['UserID'] = (String)1;
//your user's id (i.e. the id that your site uses to identify your user)
if( isset($_SESSION['UserID']) ) {
} else {
//user hasnt logged in or session expired?
header( 'Location: http://[www.yoursite.com]/please_login.php' );
//your user's doppelme avatar key (read this in from database - or session)
if( ! isset($_SESSION['DoppelMeKey']) ) {
//user doesnt have an avatar - redirect them to page where they can create one
header( 'Location: ./profile_avatar_create.php' );
} else {
$sDOPPELME_KEY = $_SESSION['DoppelMeKey'];
//retrieve the ValidationKey details for this user's avatar (we need this to be able to edit their avatar)
$sURL = "GetDetailsFromPartnerUserID";
$sDATA = array(
"partner_id" => $DM_PARTNER_ID,
"partner_key" => $DM_PARTNER_KEY,
"partner_user_id" => $USER_ID,
"is_test" => false );
$sReturnXML = PartnerServiceCall($sURL, array($sDATA) );
if ( $sReturnXML == "" ) {
//no avatar found for these details - have you supplied the correct keys?
header( 'Location: http://[www.yoursite.com]/avatar_error.php' );
$xmlDoc = simplexml_load_string( $sReturnXML->GetDetailsFromPartnerUserIDResult );
$sVALIDATION_KEY = $xmlDoc->ValidationKey;
$iframe_url = $DOPPELME_SITE . "/partner/partner_validate.asp?stripped=yes&pid=" . $DM_PARTNER_ID .
"&puid=" . $USER_ID . "&validkey=" . $sVALIDATION_KEY . "&doppelmekey=" . $sDOPPELME_KEY . "&callback=" . $sCALLBACK_URL;
<div style="height: 450px;margin: 0 auto;">
<iframe src="<?php echo $iframe_url; ?>"
style="position:absolute;overflow:hidden;width:660px;height:450px;border: 0;border-collapse: collapse;margin: 0 auto;"
frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" vspace="5" hspace = "0"></iframe>