<!-- #include virtual="/include/doppelme.asp"-->
USER_ID = Session("UserID") '//your user's id
Action = Request.QueryString("a")
Set oHTTP = Server.CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP")
set xmlDoc = CreateObject("MSXML.DOMDocument")
'// User has requested to create a new avatar
if Request("create_new") = "Y" and len(Request("avatar_name")) > 0 then
'//creates a new account and returns us a doppelme key
avatar_name = Request("avatar_name")
sURL = "CreateDoppelMeAccount"
sDATA = "partner_id=" & DM_PARTNER_ID & "&partner_key=" & DM_PARTNER_KEY & "&partner_user_id=" & USER_ID & "&referral_id=0&doppelme_name=" & Server.URLEncode(avatar_name) & "&callback_url=&is_test=false"
sReturnXML = PartnerServiceCall(sURL, sDATA)
if len(sReturnXML) = 0 then
xmlDoc.async = false
set xmlRoot = xmlDoc.documentElement
sDOPPELME_KEY = xmlRoot.selectSingleNode("DoppelMeKey").Text
sVALIDATION_KEY = xmlRoot.selectSingleNode("ValidationKey").Text
sSTATUS = xmlRoot.selectSingleNode("StatusInfo").Text
if len(sDOPPELME_KEY) > 0 and sDOPPELME_KEY <> "N/A" then
'//you should update you own database to record this users key so that you can use it
'//around the rest of your site (sql code is given as example only)
sSQL = "UPDATE [YourUserTable] SET DoppelMeKey='" & sDOPPELME_KEY & "' WHERE UserID=" & USER_ID
oDB.Execute sSQL
Response.Redirect "/profile_avatar.asp"
end if
end if
'// User has selected one of their avatar keys to use on your site
elseif len(Request("doppelme_key")) >0 then
sDOPPELME_KEY = Request("doppelme_key")
'//always sanitize user input. DM keys should only ever consist of alpha-numeric values
sSQL = "UPDATE [YourUserTable] SET DoppelMeKey='" & sDOPPELME_KEY & "' WHERE UserID=" & USER_ID
oDB.Execute sSQL
Response.Redirect "/profile_avatar.asp"
'// User alrady has a DoppelMe avatar - so retrieve the list of avatars
'// that they have and let them choose which one to associate with your site.
elseif len(Request("username"))>0 then
sURL = "AssignPartnerUserID"
sDATA = "partner_id=" & DM_PARTNER_ID & "&partner_key=" & DM_PARTNER_KEY & "&partner_user_id=" & USER_ID & "&doppelme_username=" & Request("username") & "&doppelme_shadow_key=" & Request("shadowkey") & "&is_test=false"
sReturnXML = PartnerServiceCall(sURL, sDATA)
if len(sReturnXML) = 0 then
'//invalid call
xmlDoc.async = false
set xmlRoot = xmlDoc.documentElement
sDOPPELME_KEY = xmlRoot.selectSingleNode("DoppelMeKey").Text
sVALIDATION_KEY = xmlRoot.selectSingleNode("ValidationKey").Text
sSTATUS_CODE = xmlRoot.selectSingleNode("StatusCode").Text
if CLng(sSTATUS_CODE) <> 0 then
'//error message returned - perhaps invalid shadow key supplied
'//sanitize user input
if len(sDOPPELME_KEY) > 0 and sDOPPELME_KEY <> "N/A" then
'//save the users doppelme key to your database (sql code below is example only)
sSQL = "UPDATE [Your UserTable] SET DoppelMeKey='" & sDOPPELME_KEY & "' WHERE UserID=" & USER_ID
oDB.Execute sSQL
end if
'//loop through avialable avatars (user may have more than one) and format them, offering
'//user to select which one he would like to use on your site
set xmlNode = xmlRoot.selectSingleNode("DoppelMeNames")
set xmlNodes = xmlNode.selectNodes("//DoppelMeName")
iCount = 0
for i = 0 to xmlNodes.Length - 1
sName = xmlNodes.item(i).attributes(0).text
sKey = xmlNodes.item(i).text
if sKey = sDOPPELME_KEY then
sSELECT = sSELECT & "<td><img src=" & DOPPELME_SITE & "/50/" & Server.URLEncode(sKey) & "/cropb.png><br>" & _
Server.HTMLEncode(sName) & "<br><input type=radio name=doppelme_key value=""" & Server.HTMLEncode(sName) & """ checked></td>"
sSELECT = sSELECT & "<td><img src=" & DOPPELME_SITE & "/50/" & Server.URLEncode(sKey) & "/cropb.png><br>" & _
Server.HTMLEncode(sName) & "<br><input type=radio name=doppelme_key value=""" & Server.HTMLEncode(sName) & """ ></td>"
end if
iCount = iCount + 1
if iCount = 4 then
sROW = sROW & "<tr>" & sSELECT & "</tr>"
sSELECT = ""
iCount = 0
end if
if iCount > 0 then
for i = iCount + 1 to 4
sSELECT = sSELECT & "<td></td>"
sROW = sROW & "<tr>" & sSELECT & "</tr>"
end if
if len(sROW) > 0 then
sSELECT = "<table class=data>" & sROW & "<tr><td colspan=4><input type=submit></td></table>"
end if
end if
end if
end if
<%if len(sSELECT) > 0 then%>
Choose which of your avatars you want to use on this site
<form action="/profile_avatar_create.asp" method="post" >
<h3>Create a new DoppelMe Avatar</h3>
<form action="profile_avatar_create.asp" method="post">
<table width="400">
<tr><td colspan="2">
Design your own avatar now. We use the <a href="http://www.doppelme.com">DoppelMe Avatar Engine</a> to create and manage avatars.
<tr><td> <input type="text" name="avatar_name" value=""></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">
<input type="hidden" name="create_new" value="Y" >
<input type="submit" value="Create >" >
<h3>Already Have a DoppelMe Avatar?</h3>
<form action="profile_avatar_create.asp" method="post" >
<table width="400">
<tr><td colspan="2">If you already have an avatar from DoppelMe, you can use it on this site too.
Your shadow key can be obtained from the <strong>settings</strong> page on the <a href="http://www.doppelme.com">DoppelMe site</a>.
<tr><td>doppelme username </td><td> <input type="text" name="username" ></td></tr>
<tr><td>doppelme shadow key </td><td> <input type="text" name="shadowkey" ></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center"><input type="submit" value="Use this avatar > " ></td></tr>
<%end if%>